A collection of resources from the SYCD Primary CD investigating physical processes. The major resources are: *Experience the moon - an activity for more able pupils enabling them to use independent research skills to produce a well-reasoned analysis of a travel poster for holidays on the Moon, in order to produce a travel brochure that is informative and scientifically correct. *Classroom tuned percussion - a set of activities that enable pupils to explore the properties of a range of materials and link them to their uses through investigating tuned percussion instruments. *Kites - an exploration of the variety of kite designs around the world, together with the scientific principles that keep kites aloft. A fun way of exploring some types of forces through making and flying kites. *Gravity and space traffic lights - a quick revision game on gravity and space. *Speed pairs - a game where pupils put together the start and end of a scientific statement. The activity reinforces pupils' knowledge of aspects of electricity, forces and motion, and light and sound.



Showing 7 result(s)

Gravity and Light Traffic Lights

A quick revision activity, from the ASE SYCD: Science Year Primary CD-ROM, for the whole class on gravity and space.

This resource enables the teacher to assess the effectiveness of the teaching and level of knowledge and understanding in the class in an interesting and exciting context.

Apart from...

Experience the Moon

In this ASE SYCD: Science Year Primary resource, Holidays on the Moon! Universal Tours Limited wants sales executives to develop extra-terrestrial trips for tourists. 

Concept Cartoons: Change of State and Insulation

The idea of a concept cartoon, can be used to assess children’s ideas at the start or end of a topic. Look at the snowman’s coat concept cartoons, which misconceptions do you think children will have about thermal insulation? Think about the next science topic that you will be teaching and find out the...
