The Royal Institution provide a selection of resources which offer opportunities for practical mathematical activities and investigation.

Calculating colours - explores the different ways in which proportion can be expressed

City walk- provides a natural context to integrate mathematics, engineering and technology

Curve fold- a paper folding activity to explore the parabola

Platonic solids - construct solids and explore classification of 3D shapes 

Mirrors and angles investigation - repeated reflections and symmetrical properties

Sierpinski triangles investigation - explore patterns in mathematics

What can soap films tell us about motorways? - design and test motorway networks Guidance for teachers is provided, together with an overview of the activities, presentations and templates.



Showing 7 result(s)

Mirrors and Angles Investigation

In this practical activity, from the Royal Institution, students use paired mirrors to investigate repeated reflections and the symmetrical properties of certain polygons. Based on observations made about these symmetries, students then look at how the mirrors and reflections allow them to deduce the angles in...

Sierpinski Triangles Investigation

This resource, from the Royal Institution, provides students with the opportunity to explore patterns in mathematics. The activity begins by considering observed patterns in number sequences and progresses to the concept of fractals, which is introduced to students through playing 'the chaos game'. Students...

What Can Soap Films Tell Us about Motorways?

This resource, from the Royal Institution, provides a series of activities which draw together a range of areas of mathematics and its applications, as well as considering how and why soap bubbles can provide the answers to some seemingly unrelated questions. Students design and test motorway networks connecting...
