Starter for Ten Learning Activities

This set of learning activities supports learners to:

•Become more aware of how mathematics can contribute to successful completion of vocational tasks.

•Reflect on their personal mathematical learning experiences and identify some engaging starting points for their future learning.

•Become more engaged in and enjoy mathematical activity.

•Become more aware that mathematical ideas and techniques which are relevant in their personal lives can also be useful vocationally (and vice versa).

•Develop specific mathematical skills and understanding.

•Develop confidence in their capacity to learn and use mathematics.

Many of the learning activities are readily adaptable for use in a range of vocational areas; and some which are generic are usable directly with any vocational area because the learners’ responses will be grounded in that area.



Showing 10 result(s)

Making a Mocktail

This activity aims to engage learners because of its connection to everyday life and the mathematical ideas of measurement and ratio underpin work in vocational areas such as Hairdressing when mixing hair dye and Construction when mixing concrete. This activity requires students to understand and use common...

Maths Matters at Work

This activity supports learners to become aware of some of the mathematics they might use in their vocational specialism, reflect on their confidence level about these areas of mathematics and to make plans for developing their mathematical skills. Students fill in a Maths Matters at Work template to show...

Picturing the Maths

This activity helps learners become aware of the importance of maths in their vocational area and use mathematical language to describe aspects of a job role. Learners may need support to use appropriate mathematical vocabulary and may require a list or glossary of mathematical terms relevant to their vocational...


This activity encourages learners to think and talk about the maths they might need in their vocational area. The objectives of the activity are to become aware of and reflect on personal attitude to maths, to become aware of some of the maths needed in their vocational area, to become aware of areas of maths they...
