STEM Directory

The STEM Directory is a database of providers offering STEM enhancement and enrichment to schools and colleges locally and nationally.  Teachers can easily search for shows, workshops, debates, challenges, visiting speakers and more.

Find exciting opportunities for in-class support, memorable days out, and engaging projects to motivate your students.

Listing all results (185)

Space Show

EYFSFoundation Stage - ages 3-4A story-telling introduction to the moon, stars and the beauty of the night time sky. Find out how to see a picture of Orion as a dot-to-dot in the winter sky and hear some of the wonderful stories written into the stars. Duration: 30-40 mins Curriculum Links Capacity: ~35...

Science Tricks Show

KS1Key Stage One - ages 5-7This show is bursting with surprises! Counter-intuitive demonstrations and fun experiments will bring out the scientist in every child. Duration: ~45 mins Curriculum Links Capacity: ~60 children + adultsKS2Key Stage Two - ages 7-11Observing, predicting and testing. In this...

States of Matter Show

KS2Key Stage Two - ages 7-11An unusual and exciting collection of models and demonstration explore evaporating, condensing, melting and freezing. Solids, liquids and gases - what is the difference and what happens as we change state? This show investigates the particle theory of matter for KS2 with exciting...

Cell Show

KS3, KS4 and above: 
Delve deep within to float inside a gigantic cell.
 From organisms to organelles, discuss the units of life - their scale, diversity in form and function and the genetic code. DNA, cloning, and the future of genetic engineering.

Body Show

Reception & KS1: 
Bones and teeth, eating and digestion. Find out how tiny bits of food get inside your blood!KS2 & KS3: 
A hands - on guide to diet and digestion.
Food groups and teeth will lead you down the oesophagus to take a look at the workings of your digestive system. Experience ingestion, digestion,...

Environment Show

Reception & KS1: 
Imagine what it would be like to go to a hot tropical rainforest, a desert or even head up the North pole. Delight in the sights, sounds, smells and sensations of different environments, find out about the animals that live here and find out what we can do to help save the world!KS2: 

Mystery at the Museum: Conservation in Action

Discover the science that is used by curators and conservators behind the scenes in museums.Make observations, formulate a hypothesis and conduct experiments, before concluding what has caused the condition of one of our museum objects to deteriorate.

Science workshops in Hampshire

From bones and bugs to fossils and taxidermy, Natural Selection Learning uses real natural history specimens for hands-on science workshops. Workshops are 90 minutes and themes include;Key Stage 1Marvellous Minibeasts and Where to Find Them  Discover more about habitats and the insects and other...

To Infinity and Beyond

The infinitely large and the infinitely small are mind-blowing concepts that have helped mathematicians to solve some very real, and finite, problems. Katie Chicot explores the mysteries and mis-conceptions of infinity, from ancient puzzles to some of the very latest mathematical research, taking you to infinity...

Your country needs you

A whistle stop tour of the history of code breaking. Students make and break codes and see how mathematics underpins all aspects of the coding arms race.


Grants for school

The Royal Institution runs two enrichment and enhancement grant schemes. Grants of up to £500 are available to UK-registered state schools to host a STEM activity selected from the STEM Directories.

There are a number of other organisations that offer grants to schools.

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About STEM Directory

The STEM Directory contains searchable activities that enhance STEM teaching in schools and colleges. Teachers can search for shows, workshops, debates, challenges, visiting speakers and more.

Please let us know if you have any comments on this facility.

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Providers: add an activity

If you provide shows, talks, workshops, challenges, museum visits, teacher CPD or other enrichment and enhancement activities that help promote STEM to schools and colleges, then you may be eligible to feature in the STEM Directory.

Please use the link below to register and submit an activity.

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