LEGO based STEM Enrichment day


Make Science and Maths fun!  Your pupils will love building working LEGO models, some of which use motors.  Each model helps them learn concepts in Science or Maths through first-hand experience.  Once the models are completed, worksheets help the pupils understand the concepts, then their creativity is unleashed to enhance the models.  This works powerfully for students from KS1 up to adult learners.  When the students engage with and enjoy their lesson, they remember.  Our goal is to inspire scientific curiosity in your students.

Expected outcomes

A Plearny lesson will leave your students remembering the concept contained in the model, but we hope to leave a more important lesson.  When a model does not work first time, students are encouraged to take it apart and try a different way.  When it works, then a lesson has truly been learned.  More than that, the students have learned that things do not always work first time, but that is not failure.  Failure is to give up at that point.  Success is to fail and try again (and keep trying if necessary).  This is the most important lesson we could possibly impart.

To book this activity, please contact:
Martin Walker
07479 853675

2a Ruskin Avenue
NP10 0AA Newport Newport

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.


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