Mini Monsters creepy crawly roadshow

Mini Monsters

The Mini Monsters creepy crawly roadshow is available for your school from one off sessions for individual classes to full day visits for the whole school.

Sessions are an hour long (shorter sessions are available for eyfs children) and are suitable for class sized groups of up to 30 children. During the session I introduce 5 different species of fascinating animals before allowing the children the opportunity to handle each animal in turn.

This unique experience is designed to compliment the   national curriculum from mini beasts and rainforests through to living things and habitats. The sessions can be tailored to suit any specific subject you are covering.

All sessions are presented by me, Ed Mackay (BSc Environmental Science) an enthusiastic and experienced educator with a full DBS check, £5million public liability insurance and risk assessments available on request.

For more information please visit or call Ed on 07846 182 611

 “Thank you for an amazing and informative workshop. The children really loved it and so did we! When I asked them what was the best part of their day, they all said the animals!”

•  Melbourn Primary School


“Just wanted to say thank you for coming in today. The children loved it and many said it was the best lesson they’d ever had”

 •  Taverham Junior School

“I just wanted to let you know how much the children enjoyed your visit to our class yesterday. I had several parents tell me they went home and talked of nothing else last night”

 •  St Edmunds Primary School

“Thanks for a lovely visit the other day. The children have been painting drawing and talking about it ever since. Your quiet, calm approach was perfect for young   children”

 • The Albert Pye School




Expected outcomes

The sessions help build confidence and understanding of various biological processes including adaptations, habitats and diet of various different species. The sessions are very interactive and, above all, a lot of fun! 

To book this activity, please contact:
Ed Mackay
07846 182 611

NA NA Norfolk

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.


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