Primary School STEM workshops

Green Shift Education

We are Green Shift Education and we offer STEM workshops, activities, CPD and assemblies.  We can come into your school and deliver sessions there for your convenience.  We can run workshops on any topic of your choice (within the national curriculum), we can offer fun science engaging and enriching activities (non national curriculum based), we can offer Science CPD to your teachers teaching them science or skills relevant to their teaching and we can also run whole school science assemblies - which is guaranteed to wow the audience!  We can work with any age range and we can run a few different workshops in one day.  We are fully qualified and very experienced scientists and teachers ourselves.

Expected outcomes
  • To raise aspirations in the STEM based subjects.
  • To engage and enthuse learners so they want to find out more about these subjects.
  • To increase the uptake of learners who want to study these subjects at a higher level when they are older.
  • To raise attainment of pupils in the STEM subjects.
  • To put these STEM subjects into context for pupils and demonstrate their relevance.
To book this activity, please contact:
Angela Harrison

C/O Studio West
Green Shift Educational Services Limited
NE5 2SZ Newcastle upon Tyne

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.


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