Rocket Kids - a real rocket launch in your school


'Rocket Kids' : a half or full day session of aspiration, invention and collaboration to give primary and secondary schools a taste of STEAM Co. in their school.

Bringing together literacy, creativity and community engagement, it is perfect for KS1,2 and 3, year 7 transition and staff CPD as well as schools who want some of our STEAM Co. inspiration.

It's based on an amazing book a grandad gave us that he'd found in an Oxfam bookshop.

'Rocket Boys' by Homer Hickam tells the story of how he and three mates saw the Sputnik satellite and were inspired to learn how rocket work and made them, before going on to work for NASA.

Homer has given us permission to take this story into UK schools and is patron of our Rocket Kids Club.

The session brings creativity, science and literacy together to inspire children and connect communities.

It consists of:


  • All School Assembly - the amazing 'Rocket Boys' story and how rockets work
  • Rocket Workshop - where a class get to make and fire a paper rocket 200' in the air.
  • Real Rocket Firing - in your playground to a height about about 500' with parachute descent
  • Rocket Kid Stories - we have a book to take the messages home to read together with carers

Can also be combined with other creative activities such as coding, inventing, inventing, design, engineering, modelling, etc


We can also build a green screen studio in your school hall for the assembly and live stream it to your class bubbles and family homes.

Expected outcomes
  • Understanding of how rockets work
  • Maker skills from building a rocket
  • Awareness of design optimisation process
To book this activity, please contact:
Nick Corston

75 Maygrove Rd
NW6 2EG London Select County

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.

How to take part/get started

Get in touch to book this session now



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