Sound Show

Explorer Dome


Key Stage Two - ages 7-11

Explore and question the world of vibration, sound waves, frequency, pitch and hearing. How fast is sound? Why do astronauts need radios and how do bats see in the dark? With thunder and lightning, pops and pipes, make music with our hands-on guide to the nature of noise!

  •  Duration: ~45 mins
  •  Curriculum Links
  •  Capacity: ~30 children + adults
Expected outcomes

Scientific Enquiry

We want to stimulate curiosity in science for all, regardless of age, gender, background or ability. Our science shows:

  • Allow for questions to share interests and explore ideas
  • Treat every child as unique, supporting personal development
  • Promote observation, prediction and exploration
  • Encourage imagination, creative and critical thinking
  • Support and enhance the Curriculum across subject areas
To book this activity, please contact:
Explorer Dome

Mailbox 42
179 Whiteladies Road
BS82AG Bristol Bristol

The STEM Directory is provided as a service to support you in finding enrichment opportunities. The activities are offered by external providers and are not endorsed by STEM Learning. We are not responsible for their content or delivery.


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