STEM Directory

The STEM Directory is a database of providers offering STEM enhancement and enrichment to schools and colleges locally and nationally.  Teachers can easily search for shows, workshops, debates, challenges, visiting speakers and more.

Find exciting opportunities for in-class support, memorable days out, and engaging projects to motivate your students.

Listing all results (53)

Space Week Workshops for Primary and Secondary Schools - UK wide

World Space Week is celebrated during 4 – 10th October and building on the success of previous years, As Creatives have developed some special workshops to tie in with this year's theme: "The Moon - Gateway to the Stars". So as well as the ever-popular Interplanetary Tours, Messages...

LMS Holgate Lectures and Workshops Scheme

The Holgate Lectures and Workshops sessions scheme provides session leaders with expertise in mathematics who are willing to give a talk or run a workshop on a mathematical subject to groups of students or teachers. The scheme is run by the London Mathematical Society and is named in memory of Philip Holgate....

Islamic Geometric Patterns Workshop

Islamic Geometry Workshops: Constructing a pattern by hand, step by step using a compass and straight edge, is an entirely absorbing and satisfying art form. Starting with a blank sheet of paper we draw layers of lines and circles to create a complex underlying grid from which a beautiful pattern will emerge. We then...

Oxbridge Inspire: Exhibition of Ideas

An Exhibition of Ideas is a facilitated workshop designed to promote STEM-related conversations between students, teachers and industry. Conversation cards are used to focus discussions, which are consolidated to give the school insight into various aspects of STEM and STEM education.Examples of discussion topics...

Maths Workshops by The Problem Solving Company

The Problem Solving Company offers Maths workshops for both Primary and Secondary Schools throughout the UK.Our National Curriculum based workshops are a great way to improve the image of Maths in your school. Using large resources enables maximum participation for the groups and helps encourage communication and team...

Secondary School Maths Workshops by The Problem Solving Company

If your Secondary School is looking to hold a maths enrichment day the The Problem Solving Company’s KS3 and KS4 maths activity days are a great way to involve either small numbers of students or whole year groups.For large number of students to participate for longer durations, we can provide an instructor for...

Maths Puzzle Day by School Puzzle Company

If your school is looking to encourage Thinking Skills and Problem Solving as a part of your Math’s curriculum then The School Puzzle Company can help. Using our carefully crafted giant puzzles our Math’s Puzzle Activity Days encourage use of Math’s language, team work and shows students that by...

Maths Escape Room by School Escape Rooms

Classroom Escapes are based around National Curriculum subjects that are brought to life by our immersive challenges. The challenges will be found in one of our escape boxes, which on first sight looks like any other locked wooden box. This is until the escape challenge starts and where the inquiry based learning...

Target: Mars – The STEM Space Adventure

 Developing Creative Thinkers in STEMThis Space themed workshop allows teams of pupils to represent rival nations in a race to reach and explore Mars safely.  With bold claims being made by SpaceX and Mars One, both putting real life pressure on the world’s recognised space agencies – the context...

Bunkered – Surviving a Global Disaster

Developing Strategic Thinkers in STEMAn asteroid, as detected by the NEO programme, is hurtling toward Earth!  Pupils work as teams to represent governments around the world.  They must attempt to manage the disaster in the hopes of saving the human race - but what factors will influence their decisions...


Grants for school

The Royal Institution runs two enrichment and enhancement grant schemes. Grants of up to £500 are available to UK-registered state schools to host a STEM activity selected from the STEM Directories.

There are a number of other organisations that offer grants to schools.

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About STEM Directory

The STEM Directory contains searchable activities that enhance STEM teaching in schools and colleges. Teachers can search for shows, workshops, debates, challenges, visiting speakers and more.

Please let us know if you have any comments on this facility.

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Providers: add an activity

If you provide shows, talks, workshops, challenges, museum visits, teacher CPD or other enrichment and enhancement activities that help promote STEM to schools and colleges, then you may be eligible to feature in the STEM Directory.

Please use the link below to register and submit an activity.

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