STEM Directory

The STEM Directory is a database of providers offering STEM enhancement and enrichment to schools and colleges locally and nationally.  Teachers can easily search for shows, workshops, debates, challenges, visiting speakers and more.

Find exciting opportunities for in-class support, memorable days out, and engaging projects to motivate your students.

Listing all results (79)

Fun Science Medway

At Fun Science Medway we offer assemblies, workshops, and after-school clubs. Our dynamic and interactive demonstrations will involve a mix of specialist, high-tech. scientific equipment, and everyday household chemicals and items. Our hands-on activities encourage children to see themselves as scientistsAll our...

VEX Robotics Competition

The VEX Robotics Competition allows students to design and build a robot from scratch to compete in regional, national and international events using the VEX V5 robotic platform. The actual challenge changes every year, but the same concepts remain so students and teams knowledge can grow with the programme.The...

GeoBus: Free Earth science themed workshops for schools

GeoBus is a free outreach programme run out of the Earth Sciences department of UCL. We aim to bring engaging, hands-on sessions to school students. Our range of workshops cover Year 1 to Year 12 and complement the curriculum, whilst giving a great insight into the breadth of Earth science as a subject.We...

Computing Workshops for Primaries CHESTER - Lego Robotics, Micro:Bit, Animation, Web Design and more!

A wide range of computing workshops designed specifically for Primary School Children – exciting and engaging while reinforcing the principles of computational thinking. Workshops include programming and coding with Scratch, Python or Kodu using  XBox controllers; inventors' workshops with the Micro:Bit...

Computing Workshops for Primaries NORTH WEST LONDON - Lego Robotics, Micro:Bit, Animation, Web Design and more!

A wide range of computing workshops designed specifically for Primary School Children – exciting and engaging while reinforcing the principles of computational thinking. Workshops include programming and coding with Scratch, Python or Kodu using  XBox controllers; inventors' workshops with the Micro:Bit...

British Science Week 2021 - Digital Packages and Socially Distanced Science Workshops - UK wide

If you are interested in hosting either an in-person or digital As Creative Science workshop as part of your British Science Week 2021 events please find information about all of our programmes below!British Science Week 2021 Digital PackagesBig Science Day - Innovation and Beyond – designed to tie in with...

Fun Science West Lancs

At Fun Science West Lancs, we provide science assemblies, spectacular science shows, workshops, and after school science clubs, as well as slime stalls, rocket launches and explosions for school fayres etc. We can travel to most of North West England.Our aim is to foster within children a life long passion for...

Fun Science Sheffield

At Fun Science Sheffield we provide science assemblies, workshops, and after school STEM or robotics clubs. Our aim is to foster within children a life long passion for learning and a desire to find things out for themselves through access to high tech science equipment in a safe environment.All of our activities are...

Fun Science Cheltenham

Fun Science Cheltenham offers assemblies, in-class workshops and after-school clubs, inspiring scientific curiosity through awe-inspiring, interactive demonstrations suitable for children aged 4-11.Experienced fun scientist Diatom Dave conducts experiments using specialist equipment - including...

Submit an Article to Youth STEM Matters - Youth Led Scientific Journal

Youth STEM Matters is a youth led scientific journal, created by Youth STEM 2030 to provide a platform for young people to share their research findings, ideas and innovations with the world!We publish articles which have a real world impact, and can help solve some of the biggest global challenges, from the climate...


Grants for school

The Royal Institution runs two enrichment and enhancement grant schemes. Grants of up to £500 are available to UK-registered state schools to host a STEM activity selected from the STEM Directories.

There are a number of other organisations that offer grants to schools.

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About STEM Directory

The STEM Directory contains searchable activities that enhance STEM teaching in schools and colleges. Teachers can search for shows, workshops, debates, challenges, visiting speakers and more.

Please let us know if you have any comments on this facility.

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Providers: add an activity

If you provide shows, talks, workshops, challenges, museum visits, teacher CPD or other enrichment and enhancement activities that help promote STEM to schools and colleges, then you may be eligible to feature in the STEM Directory.

Please use the link below to register and submit an activity.

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