STEM Directory

The STEM Directory is a database of providers offering STEM enhancement and enrichment to schools and colleges locally and nationally.  Teachers can easily search for shows, workshops, debates, challenges, visiting speakers and more.

Find exciting opportunities for in-class support, memorable days out, and engaging projects to motivate your students.

Listing all results (69)

The Royal Institution: Science in schools

Our programme of Science in Schools brings our popular demonstration shows into school across the UK, accompanied by valuable Continuing Professional Development sessions for teachers. The shows give students, teachers and families a chance to see our specially trained presenters in action, delivering science shows...

Islamic Geometric Patterns Workshop

Islamic Geometry Workshops: Constructing a pattern by hand, step by step using a compass and straight edge, is an entirely absorbing and satisfying art form. Starting with a blank sheet of paper we draw layers of lines and circles to create a complex underlying grid from which a beautiful pattern will emerge. We then...

University of Plymouth's Science and Technology Showcase 2019

The aim of the Science and Technology Showcase is to raise students’ aspirations in science and technology subjects and demonstrate how exciting STEM can be at A level and in higher education.As well as having some fun, this is a unique opportunity for students to talk with current undergraduate students, PhD...

Dancing Maths Classes

We provide Dancing Maths classes that are designed to inspire and engage school pupils by injecting fun and energy into learning.Our Dancing Maths classes have lots of benefits for children. We help keep children active, healthy and creative; our classes are great for building self-esteem and...

Oxbridge Inspire: Exhibition of Ideas

An Exhibition of Ideas is a facilitated workshop designed to promote STEM-related conversations between students, teachers and industry. Conversation cards are used to focus discussions, which are consolidated to give the school insight into various aspects of STEM and STEM education.Examples of discussion topics...

Pharmacy Awareness Day - What is Pharmacy? What does a Pharmacist / Pharmacy Technician do?

Pharmacy Awareness DaySaturday 23rd June 2018Pop along anytime on the day to meet with pharmacists working across different career roles and find out what they do10 am to 3 pm Thomas Paine Study Centre, for:- Students any age- Parents- Careers advisers- Science/Chemistry- Teachers- Those...

Computing Workshops for Primaries NORTH YORKSHIRE- Lego, Micro:Bit, Animation, Web Design and more!

A wide range of computing workshops designed specifically for Primary School Children – exciting and engaging while reinforcing the principles of computational thinking. Workshops include programming and coding with Scratch, Python or Kodu using  XBox controllers; inventors' workshops with the Micro:Bit...

Computing Workshops for Primaries EDINBURGH AND SOUTH EAST SCOTLAND- Lego, Micro:Bit, Animation, Web Design and more!

A wide range of computing workshops designed specifically for Primary School Children – exciting and engaging while reinforcing the principles of computational thinking. Workshops include programming and coding with Scratch, Python or Kodu using  XBox controllers; inventors' workshops with the Micro:Bit...

Computing Workshops for Primaries GLASGOW AND SOUTH WEST SCOTLAND - Lego, Micro:Bit, Animation, Web Design and more!

A wide range of computing workshops designed specifically for Primary School Children – exciting and engaging while reinforcing the principles of computational thinking. Workshops include programming and coding with Scratch, Python or Kodu using  XBox controllers; inventors' workshops with the Micro:Bit...

Computing Workshops for Primaries MIDDLESEX - Lego, Micro:Bit, Animation, Web Design and more!

A wide range of computing workshops designed specifically for Primary School Children – exciting and engaging while reinforcing the principles of computational thinking. Workshops include programming and coding with Scratch, Python or Kodu using  XBox controllers; inventors' workshops with the Micro:Bit...


Grants for school

The Royal Institution runs two enrichment and enhancement grant schemes. Grants of up to £500 are available to UK-registered state schools to host a STEM activity selected from the STEM Directories.

There are a number of other organisations that offer grants to schools.

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About STEM Directory

The STEM Directory contains searchable activities that enhance STEM teaching in schools and colleges. Teachers can search for shows, workshops, debates, challenges, visiting speakers and more.

Please let us know if you have any comments on this facility.

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Providers: add an activity

If you provide shows, talks, workshops, challenges, museum visits, teacher CPD or other enrichment and enhancement activities that help promote STEM to schools and colleges, then you may be eligible to feature in the STEM Directory.

Please use the link below to register and submit an activity.

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