Celebrate all things Mars with ESERO-UK on 7 March for Mars Day 2023

  • Full day programme of speakers from the space sector across the world
  • Focused sessions connecting STEM and space with STEM Ambassadors representing the industry
  • Classroom space-themed activities for Mars Hour 23
  • Full week of face-to-face and virtual events for Mars Week 23 (07- 12 March 2023)

ESERO-UK, a programme funded by STEM Learning, ESA and the UK Space Agency, are getting ready for Mars Day 2023. Join them for a spectacular programme of events for young people and everyone across the globe to celebrate the exploration of Mars.

National and international space VIPs will be involved in a full programme of activities, live-streamed talks, and school sessions to engage young people, teachers and the public everywhere. Speakers and topics will be announced in the coming months.

Lift off will begin with two engaging sessions from the UK Space Agency and ESA updating on their space exploration programmes and missions. Plus there will be careers sessions focusing on the link between STEM and space covering Science in Space, Technology in Space, Engineering in Space and Maths in Space. Each session will feature a lead speaker as a subject ‘Patron’, with a panel of STEM Ambassadors and industry professionals working in space projects across the vast UK space industry joining in for discussions.

During Mars Day 23, young people will discover the variety of ways to participate in space missions here on Earth, hear about the panellists’ journeys from studying STEM subjects to becoming a member of a thriving UK space industry, and get inspired by the contribution being made to international space exploration.

As part of the Mars Day 23 mission, schools are invited to host space activities in classrooms alongside fellow schools nationwide for Mars Hour 23. There will also be arrange of live and virtual activities hosted by organisations across the UK for Mars Week 23 (07 - 12 March 2023) for schools and the public.

If you are interested in taking part in Mars Day sign up here and we’ll let you know more about the speakers and sessions in the coming months.

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