Listing all results (287)

I Am a Star *suitable for home teaching*

This resource is based around the chemical composition of the human body and the origin of elements in the universe. Students can input a mass in the spreadsheet to see what proportion of their mass is from elements created in the Big Bang, in stars and in supernovae. Graphs are also shown for the relative...

Planetary Scientist

Sheila Kanani is a PhD student at University College London (UCL), and analyses data from a spacecraft currently orbiting Saturn. This Department for Education clip gives students insight into the world of space science.

Sheila describes how her involvement in space science has taken her to Russia, to see...

Curiosity's Seven Minutes of Terror

In August 2012, an unmanned rover touched down on the surface of Mars. NASA's Curiosity Rover was sent to take measurements of the atmosphere and martian terrain in an effort to understand more about the history of Mars and whether the planet ever sustained life. This video shows an animation of the incredible...

The Benefits of Bringing Space to the Classroom

Filmed at the ESERO-UK Secondary Conference, in 2014, this video shows teachers talking about the benefits of attending the conference, networking with other teachers and learning about the different contexts that can be used to teach STEM subjects. The video also features UK European Space Agency astronaut Tim...

Computers and maths in space

Mathematics plays a vital part in space flight, it gives us a way both to predict what should happen in the future and also ways to measure what’s actually happening in the present, and adapt to it. In this resource we look at a few places where maths helps in space flight. The maths is made simple here (it’s far,...

British ESA astronaut Tim Peake invites UK children to exercise alongside him as he trains two hours a day on the highest and fastest gym in the Universe – travelling at 27,600 km per hour and circling the world every 90 minutes. The triathlon styled challenge encourages schools to create their own ‘spaceathlons...

Design a Thermal Protection Shield

Aerospace engineers need to take into account the heat generated when the space craft move through the atmosphere at extreme speeds, both during launch and at re-entry, as without proper thermal protection the space craft could be destroyed. Insulating blankets, foams and tiles are used to protect the spacecraft....

This collection contains resources relating to the Solar System and Planets. There are a range of activities, images, video and information from sources such as the European Space Agency and NASA. There are a range of materials which can be used with primary or secondary students.

Spacecraft Engineer

Simon Meek is a spacecraft engineer, designing, building and tracking satellites. This Department for Education clip shows how studying science and mathematics open the gateway to interesting careers. Simon studied maths, physics and English at A-level and went on to study for a degree in Physics.


The Sun and Stars

Produced by Teachers TV, as part of the Teaching Astronomy and Space series looks at the Sun before exploring other stars. Solar physicist Lucie Green explains her keen interest in the sun, our nearest star. Modern space telescopes now allow scientists to see it in great detail and recent solar missions have...
