Listing all results (427)

Astrium- Engineered in Britain

Astrium is Europe’s largest space company, employing 3,500 people in the UK alone. Astrium produces some of the world’s leading edge earth observation, science and telecommunication satellites in one of the most exciting sectors of the engineering profession. 



This resource features five inspiring people who developed Bridget, a six-wheeled ExoMars rover. 

Bridget is a prototype of the vehicle that will be the largest and most sophisticated vehicle ever to visit Mars.


Animals in Space

Produced by Understanding Animal Research, this resource looks at how animals have a central part to play in all sorts of research, not just in the development of drugs. 

This activity illustrates how animals have contributed to space programmes and encourages students to consider the ethical implications of...

Catalyst Volume 17 Issue 1: Full Magazine

This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:


Catalyst Volume 24 Issue 1: Full Magazine

This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles: 


iSquared Magazine Issue 5

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

The mathematical origins of string theory - Andrew Dalrymple...

iSquared Magazine Issue 6

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

The shape of time - Vérinique Pagé...

Catalyst Volume 17 Issue 4: Full Magazine

This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:


Catalyst Volume 16 Issue 4: Full Magazine

This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:


Catalyst Volume 15 Issue 2: Full Magazine

This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:

