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Did you know that some of our everyday materials used on the high street were originally designed for use in space? Many of these space-inspired materials are also part of the Design and Technology (D&T) curriculum, including shape memory alloys, Kevlar, titanium, GORE-TEX and graphene to name just a few.


ExoMars collection

This collection of resources support learning about STEM subjects using the context of exploring Mars. Using the context of the ExoMars mission, activities link to areas of the curriculum including: science, design and technology, and computing. There are...

Martian Explorers: Design a New Mars Rover

Aimed at the 11-14 age group, this is a unit of six one-hour design and technology lessons to develop an understanding of how systems on exploration robots are combined and collect data. Students are given a design brief to build their own model rover, experientially, to function in simulated Martian conditions....

Deciding Destinations KS3

The premise of this activity is that the school is sending a rover to Mars. Its mission is to search for evidence that life has ever existed there. The class must decide where the rover should land on Mars. They will do this by working in groups and investigating six potential  landing sites and weighing up the...

Steve Spittle – Emerging Technology Lead in Digital Intelligence

Steve looks at new technologies that advance the space industry.  He works at the Space Applications Catapult, in Harwell.  He gives the example of how image processing techniques used in the satellite industry can be used in the medical imaging.  Imaging data has also been used to prevent illegal logging and to...

Shefali Sharma - Senior Commercial Strategist

Shefali engages with customers, media and investors to help to grow the company.  Shefali works at Oxford Space Systems, a company developing innovative technology that is launched into space.  She often helps to act as the link between customers and the engineers working on the satellite designs. 


Abbie Hutty - ExoMars Delivery Manager

Abbie is an engineer working at Airbus Defence and Space.  She is in charge of ensuring that all the parts of the ExoMars Rover come together on time and to the right specification. 

Abbie sets two challenges for students: to write an algorithm for a rover to avoid rocks on a grid and to come up with ideas...

Suzie Imber - Associate Professor of Space Physics

Suzie researches how the sun influences the planets in the solar system.  She also teaches physics to undergraduates and is involved in a lot of outreach.  Suzie is currently working on the BepiColombo mission to Mercury. 

There are two cuts of the video – one aimed at primary aged children, and one for...

Portia Bowman - Space Systems Engineer

Portia works with other scientists and engineers to work on systems that will go into space.  She explains how she is working on a project to build a robotic arm to work on samples from Mars.  Portia studied Physics and then Space Engineering at university. 

There are two cuts of the video – one aimed at...

Paul Moseley - Post Doctoral Research Associate

Paul develops infrared telescopes to observe galaxies.  The technology has also been adapted to diagnose cancer by looking at chemical signatures in the human body.  He emphasises the importance of problem solving and programming skills to work in his role. 

There are two cuts of the video – one aimed at...
