Listing all results (88)

From the Ground and From the Sky

This activity introduces the idea of remote observation by asking children to match photographs such as lakes, mountains and cities taken from the ground with early astronaut photographs. Children then compare the images from the ground with the astronaut picture of the same place. This activity is also suitable...

Principia Space Diary

The Principia Space Diary aims to help children find out more about the Principia mission, to strengthen literacy and visual literacy skills and engage children in STEM learning. The diary is supported over the six months of Tim's mission by lesson plans released each month. The teaching notes produced so far...

Tim Peake Project: Stickers

This resource contains a sheet of fifty four space themed printable stickers. The stickers have been designed specially for the Tim Peake Primary Project. 

The stickers have been provided by ESERO-UK. 

Sixty Second Science

Aimed at primary level, this pack contains a range of different activities which take sixty seconds and are intended to stretch the imagination. The activities cover a mixture of topics including: materials and their properties, Earth and space, forces, living things and their habitats, mathematical puzzles and...

Rocket Game

This space themed maths game provides an opportunity for children to practice working with number bonds to 10. It can be played either as a board game in pairs or used within an interactive whiteboard page.

To play the game the 10 number cards are shuffled and placed face-down near the board. Players take it...

STEM Learning magazine: primary - spring 2016

This STEM Learning magazine aimed at all primary teachers contains articles and interviews looking at ideas, hints and tips for teaching science, mathematics, design and technology and computing at primary level. Articles include: 

  • How to effectively teach mathematics skills for science to increase...

Solar System Reader

Produced by NASA, this resource contains five activities, teaching tips, fun facts and short narratives in which the sun and each planet introduce themselves. They can be used to help students improve their reading as well as learn about the solar system.

Issue 39: It's in the News! Space Junk

This activity from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) Primary magazine takes the issue of space junk as its central theme. There are opportunities to develop and understanding of time and time zones, probability, mass, speed and large numbers relating to distances.


Earth and Space

This short film follows Brendan Owens, as he hosts a workshop at the Royal Observatory with a group of schoolchildren to teach them about Earth and Space. He puts right common misconceptions about the moon, and gives his top tips on teaching Earth and Space. Using his rotating model, he brings the orbit of the...

Rosetta - primary resource book

The Rosetta spacecraft was sent on a mission to comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Part of its mission was to deploy a lander, Philae, on the surface of the comet. This resource is also downloadable in the Welsh Language.

The resource contains seven activities themed around the mission:

