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Kittinger: First Man in Space

This film, from Twig World, tells the story of Joe Kittinger who made the first journey beyond Earth's atmosphere.

The key points made in the film are:

•Project Excelsior III was the American Air Force’s mission to test high altitude bailouts.

•As part of this mission Colonel Joe Kittinger...

Milky Way's Black Hole

This film, from Twig World, looks at how scientists study black holes. Scientists believe there is a supermassive black hole 26,000 light years away at the centre of our Galaxy. But how do they know, when they can't see it?

The key points made in the film are:

•Black holes are formed when massive...

Sixty Second Science

Aimed at primary level, this pack contains a range of different activities which take sixty seconds and are intended to stretch the imagination. The activities cover a mixture of topics including: materials and their properties, Earth and space, forces, living things and their habitats, mathematical puzzles and...

How Are Mirrors Made?

This film, from Twg World, looks at the process of manufacturing glass into sophisticated mirror systems in the world's largest telescopes.

The key points made in the film are:

•Mirrors are made from glass, which is melted and spread over a base.

•Telescopes use mirrors to focus light onto a...

Black Holes

This film, from Twig World, looks at how dying stars transform into black holes and are areas of mass so great that even light can't escape.

The key points made in the film are:

•When a star dies, it collapses and condenses into a single point, known as a singularity.

•The gravitational pull...

Rocket Game

This space themed maths game provides an opportunity for children to practice working with number bonds to 10. It can be played either as a board game in pairs or used within an interactive whiteboard page.

To play the game the 10 number cards are shuffled and placed face-down near the board. Players take it...

Scale of the Universe

This film, from Twig World, looks at how big the universe is.

The key points made in the film are:

•The Universe is constantly expanding.

•The Universe is already billions of light years across.

•Our Solar System is part of the Milky Way galaxy.

•Beyond our galaxy lie many more...

Solar System

This resource provides an activity in which children create a scale representation of the distance of the Planets away from the Sun. Using the scale of one sheet of toilet paper = 50,000,000 km children calculate the number of sheets of toilet paper required for the correct spacing of the Planets from the Sun. This...

Spacecraft Engineer

Simon Meek is a spacecraft engineer, designing, building and tracking satellites. This Department for Education clip shows how studying science and mathematics open the gateway to interesting careers. Simon studied maths, physics and English at A-level and went on to study for a degree in Physics.


STEM Learning magazine: primary - spring 2016

This STEM Learning magazine aimed at all primary teachers contains articles and interviews looking at ideas, hints and tips for teaching science, mathematics, design and technology and computing at primary level. Articles include: 

  • How to effectively teach mathematics skills for science to increase...
