Listing all results (889)

Sample analysis

This activity allows pupils to learn how to analyse samples on Mars. Pupils are given the opportunity to use targeted information to work out what their rovers have found on Mars surface and to think like a geologist as they investigate stratigraphy (layers or rocks) using cakes and confectionary samples. This...

Analogue mission

This activity allows pupils to simulate the robotic exploration of Mars. Pupils will have the opportunity to take on the role of the rover controlled by mission control as well as being able to build their own remote control rover. Pupils will use a map of Mars to set out regions of interest and hazards before...


Roving with Rosalind is an education and outreach project which presents Mars mission based classroom activities for secondary schools as well as activity groups. This collection of resources is funded by the UK Space Agency, and give students the opportunity to complete activities such as deciding a...

Roving with Rosalind is an education and outreach project which presents Mars mission based classroom activities for primary schools as well as activity groups. This collection of resources is funded by the UK Space Agency, and give pupils the opportunity to complete activities such as deciding a launch plan and...

Introduction to Roving with Rosalind


Roving with Rosalind is an education and outreach project funded by the UK Space Agency which presents Mars mission based classroom activities for primary and secondary schools as well as activity groups. The slides given here provide a very brief overview of the activities that have been produced and a...

Communicating data

This session will provide students with an introduction to how text is represented in binary and will enable them to explore the importance and drawbacks of compressing data. They will look into lossless and lossy data compression techniques as different approaches to compression.

These resources are set in...

Sensors and logic

In this session students will create a logic circuit to represent a Mars rover MOT. They will identify the necessary logic gates and consider numerous inputs, which will be combined and traversed in person. They will make the link between truth tables and undertake testing and some simplification to reduce the...

Collecting and processing samples

For this session students will work out a limited set of instructions to enable the ExoMars rover to find good locations to take samples for analysis. They will have to consider carefully what instructions the software will have to carry out to make the ExoMars rover’s hardware function effectively. They will then...


Students will understand the concept of steganography and will create a bitmap image. They will explore colour depth and know how to convert a custom image to binary. They will be able to decode binary images and use pattern recognition to identify abnormal data.

These resources are set in the context of the...

Working in space

For this session students will find out the answers to the following questions: What do the UK Space Agency and European Space Agency do? What are the STEM subjects and how do they relate to a rover mission? What jobs are there from design, launch, landing and exploring? What skills are needed within these jobs?...
