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Lesson 2 - Creating and debugging algorithms

In this activity children create an algorithm or a sequence of instructions. They test and debug their algorithms and refine them to improve how well they work. Working together they play a game, instructing the ExoMars rover, Rosalind Franklin, to reach the drilling station, avoiding crashing into other rovers....

Lesson 1 - What is an algorithm

In this activity children learn what an algorithm is and explore what makes good instructions for an algorithm. They work as a team to create their own algorithms to guide each other across a grid of squares avoiding set obstacles. The activity uses the context of Mars exploration, as they role-play the ExoMars...

This collection of activities provides a series of lessons linked to computing using the context of Mars exploration. Children learn about algorithms, debugging, flow charts, repeat loops, decision trees, and how images and data are relayed. They find out about search engines, the reliability of information found...

Weather vs. climate

In this set of activities, children learn the difference between weather and climate. They identify different climatic zones and collect their own weather data. They analyse and compare daily and monthly air temperature measurements. Finally, they  learn about different climate scenarios and identify what it means...

Roving with Rosalind is...

Paxi Explores the Moon

This short animation film joins Paxi as he explores the moon. Paxi travels back in time to the creation of the moon, before jumping forward to introduce humankind’s many missions to the moon. Finally Paxi discuss’ what humans would need to survive on the moon for extended periods of time. This video, produced by...

Paxi Explores Exoplanets

This short animation films joins Paxi as he explores exoplanets. Paxi explains what exoplanets are, how they are discovered and he explores the many different types of exoplanet. This video produced by the European Space Agency would be well placed at the start of a Key Stage 2 Science lesson to introduce new...

A collection of four videos dedicated to interviewing leading ESA space research scientists on a variety of different lunar topics including:

  • Making use of resources on the moon
  • 3D Printing on the moon
  • Living on the moon
  • Future moon exploration



This short animation film joins Bepi, as she prepares to embark on a space mission to Mercury. Bepi explores a range of scientific facts and gets pupils thinking about all the things we don’t know about mercury. This video would be well placed at the start of a lesson researching a planet like Mercury. This video...
