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Exploring Mars - key stage 2

Although no humans have been to Mars, we have sent lots of spacecraft and rovers to explore this distant world.  In this resource, students will design their own rover and answer the question “Which would be better to explore Mars, humans or robots?”

The accompanying video clip focuses on human missions to...

Flying high

This is one of a series of resources from the IET designed around the theme of the future of flight with the purpose of developing pupils knowledge and skills in science, design technology, engineering and mathematics. 

In this activity pupils calculate the amount of energy needed to launch a space...

Evaluating materials for a heat shield

This is one of a series of resources from the IET designed around the theme of the future of flight with the purpose of developing pupils knowledge and skills in engineering and mathematics. This activity involves testing and selecting materials to make a heat shield to stop a piece of chocolate from melting using...

Thermal engineering for space

RAL Space is the UK’s national space laboratory where our thermal engineers and technicians help design and build spacecraft. They make sure that the components will work correctly and are protected in the extreme temperatures of space by using a special type of insulation. In this activity and presentation, pupils...

A passage opens

In this set of activities, students learn about the important role Arctic sea ice plays in the Earth’s climate system. The activities are set in the context of the Northwest Passage.

Country under threat

In this set of activities, students learn about the causes and potential impacts of sea-level rise while developing core scientific skills.

Is ozone good or bad

In this set of activities, students learn about ozone and the impacts – good and bad – it has on life on Earth.


Space Education Quality Mark (SEQM) case studies

The Space Education Quality Mark (SEQM) is designed to support schools and colleges using the subject of space to inspire and engage their students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. This set of four case studies demonstrates how different schools have benefitted from achieving the...

Up, up, up! - Build and launch your own rockets

Rockets are used to launch satellites, probes and even astronauts into space. A rocket launch is extremely impressive. Thousands of kilograms are burned in just a few minutes in order to provide the force that the rocket needs in order to overcome the gravity of the Earth. Rockets provide an exciting context to...

What is Light?

This resource, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, has a video that introduces 'light' as the electromagnetic spectrum and how an electromagnetic wave is made. It discusses the wavelength, speed and frequency of electromagnetic waves and how we can detect them. How light interacts with matter and the concept of...
