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The Mars Mission: Building on Mars

This resource provides activities for children aged from 4-11,using the theme of building a settlement on Mars as the context. The activities are:


The Mars Mission: Landing and Exploring

This resource provides activities for children aged from 4-11,using the theme of exploring Mars as the context. With a focus on the Landing and exploring. The activities are:


Mission to the Moon

This collection of practical activities, investigations and games is all based on current lunar research. It supports many aspects of working scientifically and links to area of the curriculum including: earth and space, light and shadows, forces, materials, changes of state and rocks and soils. Activities are...

Moon Shelter

This resource links to science and D&T but in a moon context. Children analyse the importance of having shelter for protection on Earth and in space. They compare the environmental conditions on Earth and on the Moon, then  work together to design and build their own Moon shelter using materials comparable to...

Designing the Mirror

In this activity, students will use memory metal wire to create a model of a deployable structure.  The James Webb Space Telescope has several structures that must be deployed in space, including parts of the primary mirror.  Students must create and evaluate a design to enable the primary mirror to fold inside the...

This collection of resources has been written for design technology teachers to use primarily as part of the curriculum in lower secondary schools.  The resources also include a guide to the James Webb Space Telescope , written for teachers and STEM Ambassadors.

All activities include elements of design that...

The James Webb Space Telescope is  currently making observations of distant stars and planets, following it's launch in 2021. It is a highly technical design which has taken many years to be designed and made....

Principia Space Diary: robots in space

Robots are really useful in space as they can do lots of different jobs, some of which are too difficult or dangerous for humans. This activity looks at the different uses of robots in space exploration, with children...

Since ancient times, humans have gazed at the stars and tried to understand the night sky. This process continues today with observations still made by the naked eye but also with sophisticated telescopes and instruments that look at infra-red, ultraviolet, microwave and other wavelengths. This collection contains...

Food in Space

This clip, from NASA, shows what types of food astronauts eat in space and how the food must be lightweight, nutritional, take up little volume and be long-lasting. A classroom activity is also included that investigates suitable foods and containers. This may be used at Key Stage Three or adapted for use at Key...
