Listing all results (306)

What's Moving on Titan?

This Science upd8 activity draws on Titan which is the biggest of Saturn's moons.

There are two student activities; one involves labelling a diagram to tell students on Earth about the nature of Titan.

The other asks students to take the role of Titanian space explorers and use data to compare the...

Animals in Space

Produced by Understanding Animal Research, this resource looks at how animals have a central part to play in all sorts of research, not just in the development of drugs. 

This activity illustrates how animals have contributed to space programmes and encourages students to consider the ethical implications of...

Issue 39: It's in the News! Space Junk

This activity from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) Primary magazine takes the issue of space junk as its central theme. There are opportunities to develop and understanding of time and time zones, probability, mass, speed and large numbers relating to distances.


Colonisation of Mars

Produced in 2015, this resource looks at Human survival in a closed system on Mars. 

Student activities include:

• Identify the basic requirements for Human life on Earth

• Understand the concept of a closed system and understand why the Earth, a space craft and Mars are all closed systems and...

Earth and the Solar System

This resource from Physicists in Primary Schools (PIPS) supports the teaching of Earth and Space at Key Stage Two. A presentation introduces Earth and the planets of our solar system, with an activity in which children help demonstrate the relative sizes of planets and the distances between them. It moves on to...

Did Man Really Walk on the Moon?

This Triple Crossed activity from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust starts with a quiz asking students to answer questions about the history of space exploration.

They are then asked to consider the evidence provided and use it to establish an argument for...


Within this lesson, students will learn about the classical force of gravity, put forward by Newton. They will learn the difference between mass and weight, the equation that relates the two and perform an investigation into the strength of gravity on Earth. Students will then use a 3D model of space to better...

Dwarf Planets as a New Way of Thinking about an Old Solar System

From NASA, this resource looks at how bodies in the solar system are classified. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined the terms "planet" and "dwarf planet". The IAU's decision created an opportunity for students to understand the solar system better by considering the definitions of planet,...

The Earth in Space *suitable for home teaching*

A Year 11 module from the Salters’ Key Stage Four double award science course. This module begins with revision of prior knowledge about stars, planets, moons and other bodies found in space. Students then consider gravity as the force which controls movement of bodies...

Space, Sports, Sun and Safety

This resource contains eight projects:

1. Using UV sensitive beads and sun cream to investigate the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

2. The aim of this activity is to encourage the students to come up with their own investigations, to explore how exposure to UV radiation varies in different countries...
