Listing all results (306)

Martian Explorers: How does the ExoMars Rover Work?

This resource provides a series of 1 hour lessons designed to help children understand the need for exploration robots and learn about how they function. They are based around the European Space Agency’s (ESA) new robotic rover Rosalind Franklin...

Martian Explorers: What are Space Robots?

This resource provides a series of lessons designed to help children understand the need for exploration robots and learn about how they work. The activities link mostly to D&T with a science context, though some of the activities are more focussed on learning in English.

The activities are:


Deciding Destinations KS5

The premise of this activity is that the school is sending a rover to Mars. Its mission is to search for evidence that life has ever existed there. It is the job of the class to decide where the rover should land on Mars. They will do this by working in groups and investigating six potential landing sites and...

Deciding Destinations KS3

The premise of this activity is that the school is sending a rover to Mars. Its mission is to search for evidence that life has ever existed there. The class must decide where the rover should land on Mars. They will do this by working in groups and investigating six potential  landing sites and weighing up the...

Deciding Destinations KS4

The premise of this activity is that the school is sending a rover to Mars. Its mission is to search for evidence that life has ever existed there. It is the job of the class to decide where the rover should land on Mars. They will do this by working in groups and investigating six potential landing sites and...

The Mars Mission: Building on Mars

This resource provides activities for children aged from 4-11,using the theme of building a settlement on Mars as the context. The activities are:


The Mars Mission: Aliens!

In this activity children use the context of exploring Mars to investigate living things, habitats and electricity. The activities are:


The Mars Mission: Landing and Exploring

This resource provides activities for children aged from 4-11,using the theme of exploring Mars as the context. With a focus on the Landing and exploring. The activities are:


The Mars Mission: And Now for the Weather!

This resource provides activities for children aged from 4-11,using the theme of exploring Mars as the context. With a focus on the Martian weather. The activities are:


Mission to the Moon

This collection of practical activities, investigations and games is all based on current lunar research. It supports many aspects of working scientifically and links to area of the curriculum including: earth and space, light and shadows, forces, materials, changes of state and rocks and soils. Activities are...
