Listing all results (19)

Little Book of the Big Bang

From the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), this cartoon booklet introduces particle physics, particle accelerators and the Large Hadron Collider. This clear, concise and entertaining booklet explains what a particle accelerator such as the LHC is and the questions it is trying to answer, such as ‘...

TRUMP Part 5: Telescopes and Instruments

This part of the TRUMP Astrophysics resource package dealt with the design and performance of astronomical telescopes and instruments. Like all other parts of the TRUMP package, this part contains study notes (self-study material for teachers), teaching notes and...

TRUMP Part 3: Star Formation and Evolution

This part of the TRUMP Astrophysics resource package dealt with the formation, evolution and 'death' of stars. Like all other parts of the TRUMP package, this part contains study notes (self-study material for teachers), teaching notes and photocopiable student sheets...

TRUMP Part 4: Planets and Orbits

This part of the TRUMP Astrophysics resource package dealt with historical and modern observations of planets and their orbital motions. Like all other parts of the TRUMP package, this part contains study notes (self-study material for teachers), teaching notes and...

Out of this World

Work done in this Nuffield 13 - 16 module followed from the S unit called ‘Cars on the move’. This D unit provided enough material for eight double periods during a Further Science course and built on the content of the S units for Single Science. 

The teachers’ guide included 15 worksheets to supplement the...

Rockets and Momentum

Work done in this Nuffield 13 - 16 module followed from the B unit called ‘Machines and engines’ and the S unit called ‘Fuels’. This S unit provided enough material for eight double periods during a single-certificate science course. The teachers’ guide included seven worksheets to supplement the students’ booklet...

Rosetta - primary resource book

The Rosetta spacecraft was sent on a mission to comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Part of its mission was to deploy a lander, Philae, on the surface of the comet. This resource is also downloadable in the Welsh Language.

The resource contains seven activities themed around the mission:


Solar System Image and Information Set *suitable for home teaching*

From NASA, this is a set of high quality images and information about the solar system. The set of materials features the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Earth’s Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, asteroids, comets, meteors and meteorites, the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, and moons of the solar system...

More About Time and Space

This Nuffield Primary Science book is for use in the the Earth in Space topic. It consists of 11 colourful, and highly illustrated, double-page spreads aimed at students aged 9-12. The book ends with a glossary and index. 

