Listing all results (885)

Extracting water from lunar soil - Learning about filtration and distillation

In this resource from the European Space Agency, students learn about changes of state of matter using water on the Moon as an example. They interpret data from a pressure vs. temperature graph for water to enable a discussion about how changes of state are different on the Moon compared to what we are used to on...

Plants on Mars - Build an automatic plant watering system

This resource from the European Space Agency is presented as eight activities which guides students to create an automatic plant watering system, suitable for use on a possible future colony on the planet Mars. Students have opportunities to use and develop their skills to plan, design and analyse various soil-...

3...2...1...lift off! - Building your own paper rocket

In this set of three activities students will design and build their own paper rockets and launch them. They will learn what it takes in order for a rocket to be stable and they will calculate the rocket’s trajectory and velocity. They will learn about the velocity required to leave Earth in a rocket and uncover...

Space bears - Lab-experience with tardigrades

This resource from the European Space Agency is presented as four highly complex activities for more able and talented students. The activities require students to work with tardigrades ('water bears'), which they gather from collected moss or lichen samples. Students are given some outline guidance to come up...

Nose up high in the sky - Observing and measuring weather conditions

In this set of three activities, pupils will learn how their senses and instruments can be used to describe and measure weather conditions. Pupils will learn to identify the weather elements, to observe and record weather conditions and identify local weather processes. They will learn that satellites, computers...

One year on Earth - Understanding seasons

In this set of two activities, pupils will develop their understanding of seasons and the basic mechanism behind the different seasons on Earth. Pupils will learn that trees look different at different times of the year due to seasons, that seasonal changes can be seen from space and how to analyse images and...

Water on the moon - Filtering 'lunar ice cores' to extract water

In this set of three activities, pupils will spend a day recording how much water a person uses in an average day, followed by an experimental activity where they will use ‘lunar ice cores’ and filter them to get water. Through these activities, pupils will learn how a filtration system can be used to separate...

Earth under the lid - Understanding the greenhouse effect

In this set of two activities, pupils will learn what the greenhouse effect and greenhouses gases are and the positive and negative consequences of these on the atmosphere. Pupils will be given the opportunity to build a model and perform temperature measurements to enhance their understanding of the greenhouse...

Astrofarmer - Learning about the conditions for plant growth

In this set of six activities, pupils will investigate which factors affect plant growth, and relate these factors to growing plants in space. They will learn that plants need air, light, water, nutrients and a stable temperature to grow. Children will also observe what happens to plants when they vary some of...

Moon Constitution - How would a future lunar community be organised?

In this activity, pupils will have the opportunity to form opinions and justify their viewpoints by debating the organisational and social characteristics of a future settlement on the moon. Pupils will improve their ability to listen to and learn from others and will take part in democratic decision-making. Pupils...
