Listing all results (56)

The Mathematics of Satellite Design - Coolant tank, fuel tank and engine design

All the resources listed here are aimed at the age group 14 to 16, except for the "Space for Engine" resource. 

Coolant tank design

Making efficient use of physical space and of materials is a central theme of many engineering problems. In this challenge students...



Futurecade was developed as an interactive suite of games allowing students to explore how science and technology impacts on their everyday lives. These resources were developed to accompany the games which were inspired by technology in the fields of robotics, satellites and space junk, geo-engineering...


Roving with Rosalind is an education and outreach project which presents Mars mission based classroom activities for secondary schools as well as activity groups. This collection of resources is funded by the UK Space Agency, and give students the opportunity to complete activities such as deciding a...

The Mars Mission: Marvellous Machines

This resource supports learning about the ExoMars rover, which will travel across the Martian surface and drill up to two metres below the surface to collect and analyse samples in the search for evidence of life. These activities support children in finding out how more about the rover and the ExoMars mission. The...

Portia Bowman - Space Systems Engineer

Portia works with other scientists and engineers to work on systems that will go into space.  She explains how she is working on a project to build a robotic arm to work on samples from Mars.  Portia studied Physics and then Space Engineering at university. 

There are two cuts of the video – one aimed at...

Mike Lawton - CEO of Oxford Space Systems

Mike is part of a space engineering company building a new series of very low mass foldable structures and antennas for satellites.  Oxford Space Systems are also working on constellations of satellites that will provide real time imaging from space. 

There are two cuts of the video – one aimed at primary...

Saturn V Rocket Lift-off, Showing Staging

This clip, from Footagevault, could be used for teaching Key Stage Three and Four content on energy, electricity and forces, or chemical and material behaviour. The film clip dramatically shows Newton's Third Law of Motion in action, "to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction...". The footage...

Evaluation of the European Space Education Resource Office

Published in 2012, NFER was commissioned by the National STEM Learning Centre and Network to evaluate the effectiveness and early impacts of the European Space Education Resource Office for the UK (ESERO-UK). ESERO-UK aims to promote the use of space as a context for enriching science, technology, engineering and...

The Sky’s the Limit! Introducing GCSE Astronomy at Glyncoed Comprehensive School

Edexcel’s GCSE Astronomy syllabus provides an opportunity for students to develop their understanding and enthusiasm for astronomy, as well as to complement and extend the reach of their study of Key Stage Four science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects.

This article from School Science...

TimPix: Whatever the Weather - Monitoring Peake Radiation Levels with Timepix

As part of the educational activities around the British astronaut Tim Peake's mission to the International Space Station (ISS), this project offers schools the unique opportunity to access and analyse ionising radiation data from the ISS. A variety of data sets will be available from the start with others being...
