Listing all results (129)

Speed of the Earth

This video, from Twig World, explains that the planet earth is constantly moving through space and models the Earth’s orbit as a circle in order to approximate the distance travelled in one year and hence estimate the distance the Earth travels every second. The video is accompanied by a lesson plan and a...

EO Detective

Astronauts have been taking photographs of the Earth from space for over 50 years and Earth Observation scientists have used satellite images for a similar amount of time.

The EO Detective activities aim to demonstrate how a vantage point in space, such as the International Space Station, provides a unique...

Sea ice from space

In this set of activities, students will investigate Arctic sea ice and its connection to climate. They will discover what happens when oceans freeze by carrying out a series of practical experiments. They have the opportunity to analyse real images from ESA satellites (CryoSat and Copernicus) to locate sea ice...

The Rotational Period of the Sun

This activity, from the Royal Observatory Greenwich, introduces students to ways of combining errors (uncertainties) from two independent measured quantities. Using the equation for Doppler shift, the error in the rotational velocity and time period are calculated....

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

In this Teaching Astronomy and Space video, from the Institute of Physics (IOP), Teachers TV and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Tim O'Brien and astrophysicist Chris North explain how astronomers use radiation from across the electromagnetic...

space:uk - Spring 2012, Issue 34

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains a variety of news stories and features on:
*Green planet - how space is helping to save one of the world's more valuable resources
*Space, time and LISA - the UK-built mission to invesitgate...

The Principia Space Diary aims to help children find out more about the Principia mission, to strengthen literacy and digital literacy skills and engage children in STEM learning....

The ice is melting

In this set of four activities from the European Space Agency, students explore the impacts of global warming and melting ice on the Earth. They learn the difference between land ice and sea ice, and will investigate the respective effects of these melting. They then design their own experiment to examine how...

The greenhouse effect and its consequences - Investigating global warming

This set of activities from the European Space Agency includes hands-on experiments. Students are guided to interpret satellite images to better understand the overall effects of global warming.

In the first activity, students demonstrate to themselves the greenhouse effect. The experiment is complemented by...

Space bears - Lab-experience with tardigrades

This resource from the European Space Agency is presented as four highly complex activities for more able and talented students. The activities require students to work with tardigrades ('water bears'), which they gather from collected moss or lichen samples. Students are given some outline guidance to come up...
