Space Education Quality Mark: free accreditation for your school or college

Space Education Quality Mark logo

ESERO-UK has relaunched the new and improved Space Education Quality Mark (SEQM) for 2018.

SEQM is free to take part in and designed to support UK schools and colleges who want to inspire and engage their students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects through the context of space.

Why get involved?

  • gain recognition for your achievements
  • forge links with space professionals and organisations
  • raise the profile of quality STEM teaching within your school or college
  • inspire students to take STEM subjects

What support will I receive?

Schools and colleges taking part in the mark will receive a box of resources, webinars, support for enrichment opportunities, face-to-face and online CPD, and the opportunity to engage with competitions and challenges. Importantly, the mark is now free to take part in.

There are three possible levels – bronze, silver and gold.

Once completed, you will receive an email footer, logos to use on your website, and a digital certificate. You will also have the option to receive a plaque to display in school for £50+VAT.

Find out more and get involved

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If you would like to contact the organisation regarding any press or media opportunities please email or call 01904 328300.

Contacting us

If you have any ideas for stories and features on the site please email