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Bring learning to life with industry volunteers

Published: Sep 16, 2022 1 min read

STEM learning

It is now easier than ever for schools to help their pupils see the relevance of the subjects they are learning through engaging with volunteers from the world of work.

STEM Learning have teamed up with Education and Employers charity so that primary teachers can easily, freely and confidently access the breadth of volunteers who give their time to bring learning to life. Research and testimony from heads across the country shows that giving children exposure to the world of work can help improve motivation and attainment, broaden and raise aspirations, and challenge ingrained stereotypes that can limit their ambitions. 

Now providing direct access to STEM Ambassador volunteers from the diverse STEM careers, Primary Futures can connect your school with inspirational volunteers from a range of careers, who will talk to children about their jobs and show how what they are learning at school can lead to an interesting, exciting future.

Access to the STEM-specific volunteers will help raise aspirations around STEM subjects, challenge stereotypes and motivate learning in these vital subjects.

Find out more about how you can access our network of volunteers: