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Refining effective leadership of secondary science

Published: Oct 27, 2022 2 min read

STEM learning

Experience counts

Much has been written on the importance of developing the skills and abilities of new leaders in secondary science. But what about those who are experienced middle leaders? What support might they require?

Experienced leaders are among the greatest assets that a school can have. Their experience base makes them a hugely valuable resource and one which can help to develop others - thereby driving and influencing a positive culture of improvement across a school.

Refining skills

For a leader who has accrued considerable experience in a middle leadership role, the question is often ‘what next’? How can they continue to develop and refine their skills further?

For the experienced leader of science who wishes to refine their practice, there is a lot to consider. For example, how can the curriculum be kept fresh and take account of the latest educational research? How can learning theories be embedded into teaching? How can research evidence be put to work? And in terms of leading teams, how can underperforming staff be best managed? In what ways can difficult conversations be approached? How can coaching be used to develop an individual’s abilities and improve performance?

In terms of progression, experienced leaders may also be considering the next steps of their career. For example, a natural progression may be to work across a network of schools in a subject leadership role or specialise in a given area, such as leading CPD delivery. Whether the desire is to diversify in this way or move into senior leadership, it is vital that experienced leaders are given the opportunity to continue developing their skills.

Developing leadership skills further

Our intensive residential course Experienced heads of science: refining effective leadership of secondary science provides a comprehensive grounding for experienced leaders, focusing on the topics listed above plus many others. Mapped to the National Professional Qualification Leading Teaching (NPQLT), the course provides a means of developing experienced middle leaders of science and preparing them for the next steps in their career.

Book 'Experienced heads of science: refining effective leadership of secondary science'


Experienced leaders would also benefit from joining our STEM Community, where they can be kept abreast of many educational developments and join in active discussions with thousands of other teachers and departmental leaders across the country.