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Summer schools for Early Career Teachers

Published: Mar 8, 2022 2 min read

STEM learning

We are excited to announce that our summer schools are returning this summer, designed specifically for Early Career Teachers or those who have little or no experience in teaching a particular subject.

These will span all key stages and cover a range of topics, including creating an engaging science lesson for students, in-depth support around practical work and developing your subject knowledge. Progression is also a big part of our offer so we will look at how to progress learning throughout the 2 years and link to the big picture of science.

Courses will be delivered through face-to-face sessions at the National STEM Learning Centre in York, and if you are a state-maintained school in England you will be eligible for a bursary on our science courses, which can be used towards travel, science equipment or further CPD.

A full list of our upcoming summer schools can be found below:


  • Mathematics CPD

    The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme(AMSP) is running, in conjunction with STEM Learning, the New to teaching A level mathematics summer school, which is ideal for Early Career mathematics teachers. The summer school will be hosted at the National STEM Learning Centre in York.

  • New to Teaching A level Mathematics Summer School

Summer schools form only part of our offer for teachers, so make sure you take some time to look through our extensive selection of resources and online CPD, all of which are completely free for everyone to access, plus our range of remote science courses.