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Teacher Training Scholarship schemes explained

Published: Dec 21, 2021 2 min read

Stephen Lyon

Mathematics Lead

National STEM Learning Centre

There are many routes into teaching. No matter how you achieve your QTS status, the support you receive on the way is often the most important factor.

Joining a Teacher Training Scholarship opens up a world of great support for new teachers. As well as financial incentives, scholarship schemes offer trainees the opportunity to network with like-minded people, to have access to events and resources and also free membership of professional bodies.

Many experienced teachers find that there is a real joy in working with teachers new to the profession; keen, eager, full of energy and ideas. For as long as I can remember, I have worked with trainee teachers and those new to the profession.

Recently, I have been involved with the Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarships, a Department for Education funded scheme run by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA). My experience of the scheme has made one thing clear - becoming a Maths Scholar is a great way to start your teaching career.

Applications for the scheme open on 4 January 2022. If you will be training to be a teacher next academic year, then now is the time to explore what being a Maths Scholar is all about. You can find more information on the Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarships website.

 Science and computing trainees also have access to Teacher Training Scholarships too. You can find all of the details - and apply - here: