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Why you need to join the conversation at our 25th business breakfast event

Published: Dec 16, 2021 3 min read


Our business breakfasts have gone from strength to strength, covering a huge range of fascinating and in-depth topics – and now we’re preparing to host our 25th event!

Thank you to everyone who has joined us so far from all corners of the STEM business community. This includes high-profile pharmaceutical companies Vertex and AstraZeneca to key players in the construction, space, motor and fintech sectors including Goldman Sachs, Jacobs, Rolls Royce, bp and many more.

Discussions have ranged from learnings from the first lockdown last year to the recent ideas, insight and enthusiasm shared at our SEND-focused event.

Participant numbers have grown considerably since the first event that took place two years ago, and we’ve now welcomed more than 1,200 guests from across the STEM community - both virtually and face to face.

Chaired by Liz Whitworth, our Bid Development Officer, panellists from across the STEM sector have delivered thoughtful and lively presentations around topical STEM debates.

Business employer programmes are at the heart of our discussions. Our ENTHUSE Partnership programme has attracted well-known STEM employers to fund Partnerships that enable them to link STEM businesses with young people and teachers, aiming to inspire young people to follow a STEM pathway. Panellists from these businesses have spoken passionately about the impact this investment is having on ensuring a future STEM talent pool while also contributing to their Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies.

Our STEM Ambassadors – and the teachers they’ve worked with - have also spoken at our breakfasts about the importance of their influence on engaging young people in STEM. One teacher referred to a classroom demonstration from one of our Ambassadors involving extracting DNA from strawberries!

It’s been inspiring to listen to the stories of these volunteers who have boosted young people’s passion for STEM. Our STEM Ambassadors’ determination to provide this support remotely throughout the pandemic has really highlighted the flexible and collaborative approach that businesses and schools have taken in these unprecedented times. 

Our breakfasts have also highlighted the importance of measuring the social impact of the work that is carried out with our partners, and we’ve been able to debate our approach to evaluation which is supported by three pillars: quality assurance, continuous improvement, and impact

As we approach our 25th business breakfast, co-hosted with Jacobs, we would like to again thank everyone who has supported us in our mission to improve young people’s lives through the power of STEM education.

Our next Business Breakfast will take place on Wednesday 19 January. Please register now for this free event ‘Every young person deserves to receive STEM education'.