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The real benefits of apprenticeships

Published: Mar 9, 2018 4 min read

Joanne Woolley

Digital Marketing Officer

National STEM Learning Centre

STEM Learning apprentices

I started my apprenticeship journey back in 2015, straight after finishing my A levels. Once I had found out I’d got a job as a digital marketing apprentice at STEM Learning, I was both equally excited and terrified.

At 17, whilst everyone else was getting ready for university, I was starting my first full-time job. I still remember turning up on my first day, being introduced to so many new faces in entirely new surroundings. There was a lot to take in, and it was slightly overwhelming.

Now, nearly three years later, my apprenticeship journey has reached new heights. Well for one, I’m no longer an apprentice. However, I am still training and I am currently working towards a degree level qualification - and I’ll be graduating at a similar time to those I went to school with.

I’m so grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given as an apprentice, and doing an apprenticeship really was the best decision I’ve ever made.

But yet, when I hear people promoting apprenticeships to other young people, I always hear them utter the same benefits - “earn while you learn”.

While this is a real advantage of doing an apprenticeship, surely it’s not the only worthwhile one? Why is it that this is the one benefit that people repeat time and time again?

Obviously, everyone’s experiences are different, but in my experience, there are a whole host of other benefits of doing an apprenticeship. The real benefits are far more than just monetary.

Putting theory into practice

Let’s face it, regardless of what people say, university isn’t for everyone. Whilst many thrive in an academic setting, others prefer to put the theory into practice.

Even though I tried my hardest at school to create mind maps, flashcards and every other method of revising you could possibly think of, I learnt best once I could try it for myself.

That’s one of the reasons why doing an apprenticeship has been so beneficial for me – not only can I learn a whole host of new theories, research and techniques, but I am able to try it (almost instantly) back in the workplace.

Knowledge sharing

At work, I am surrounded by people of different backgrounds, knowledge and expertise. We collaborate and share ideas on a daily basis.

I have learnt as much from my colleagues at STEM Learning as I have from my training. Whether it’s something as simple as a five-minute discussion, or discovering an entirely new system to use, being able to share knowledge and ideas is what makes being part of a team so beneficial.

Developing my skills and abilities

Only when I look back over the time I have spent at STEM Learning do I realise how much an apprenticeship has benefitted me. I have grown in confidence and developed so many new skills, all whilst pursuing a career I am increasingly passionate about.

The thing that has allowed me to grow and develop so much in the last three years is the amount of trust and faith people have in me. Knowing that people respect me and believe in my abilities has allowed me to take more risks, try new things and has increased my confidence no end.

The sky is the limit

From watching astronaut Tim Peake launch to the International Space Station, to visiting a primary school to talk about my experiences as an apprentice, I have been provided with so many amazing opportunities during my time at STEM Learning.

When it comes to the future, the sky really is the limit. I have no doubt that starting my career as an apprentice will benefit me for many years to come, and I’m so excited to see what the future holds.

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