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Top 10 most popular secondary mathematics resources of 2017

Published: Feb 9, 2018 3 min read

Mike Anderson

Mathematics Subject Specialist

National STEM Learning Centre

Online resources

Here at STEM Learning, we’ve been looking at the most popular secondary mathematics resources hosted on our site, as decided by UK-based teachers.

We are excited to reveal, in a true ‘Top of the Pops’ style, a run-down of the top ten of our most downloaded resource collections of 2017.

Number 10: Subtangent

The Subtangent website included investigations, games and more aimed at 8-16-year-old students. This collection of teaching materials contains a range of ready-to-use printable and interactive resources.

Number 9: Active A level maths by Susan Wall

These activities are designed to engage student participation, promote discussion and enhance understanding in A level maths.

The tasks enable students to experience the joy of mathematical discovery and promote independent learning and discussion.

Number 8: STEM challenges

The original STEM challenge resource packs were inspired by the London 2012 Olympics and have now been adapted so they can continue to remain relevant to students.

Each STEM challenge can take between six to eight weeks and are flexible enough to be used in lessons or as an ideal activity for a STEM Club.

Number 7: Mathematical misconceptions

The first of two Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching resources to make the list, this collection explores eight of the most commonly found misconceptions in the understanding of mathematics.

Each resource contains an explanation of how the misconception arises, together with exercises aimed at reinforcing correct methods and ideas.

Number 6: The Mathematics Centre

Over ten years ago, STEM Learning set about digitising a large number of STEM teaching resources, making them available to a wider, online audience.

The Mathematics Centre collection, produced in the 1980’s, is one such resource. It covers early years to post-16 education, including resources such as ‘What is mathematics all about?’ and the ‘Teachers evaluating and assessing mathematics’ materials.

Number 5: Improving learning in mathematics

Also known as the Standards Units, Malcolm Swan’s Improving learning in mathematics resources not only include many excellent teaching activities and materials, but also the often-overlooked accompanying materials exploring the research and pedagogy behind good teaching and active learning strategies.

Number 4: Mathematics Enhancement Programme

The Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching developed the Mathematics Enhancement Programme based on the 1990’s National Curriculum.

It includes a comprehensive set of curriculum resources for secondary schools, including pupil texts, lesson plans, classroom resources and assessment materials that very few textbooks have matched since.

Number 3: Core Maths

Core Maths is the new Level 3 qualification for students who achieved at least a Grade 4 (formerly a Grade C) at GCSE mathematics and wish to develop their practical skills applying mathematics in work, study or everyday life.

The complete set of Core Maths Support Programme lessons and other support materials can be found on our website.

Number 2: BEAM

The BEAM (Be a Mathematician) collection promotes interesting, challenging and enjoyable ways of teaching and learning mathematics with students aged 3-14. The resources include problems, puzzles, open-ended investigations, cross-curricular activities and resources to develop, practise and consolidate students' understanding.

Number 1: SMILE cards

SMILE (Secondary Mathematics Individualised Learning Experiment) was a large-scale, teacher-led project that developed a series of practical activities for secondary school students, from 1972 to 1990.

This collection contains the thousands of classroom-tested SMILE resources produced during the projects lifetime.


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