The Pebble In My Pocket - Rocks and Soils

Pebble In My Pocket by Meredith Hooper  is a picture book  aimed at older primary children. It tells the dynamic story of rock formation; showing  the reader the  processes that the pebble goes through from its beginnings in a fiery volcano 480 million years ago - how it is moulded by fire, then shaped by erosion. The reader follows this journey right through to the moment it is picked up and placed into someone’s pocket. The beautiful illustrations give us not only the story of the pebble but of evolution too – giving the reader an indication of both time passing and setting the pebble into a much wider context. The story provides the perfect setting for :

  • comparing and grouping together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties
  • describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock
  • recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter

As a parallel to the book, as the pebble is shaped over time, the pupils could explore how water shapes the landscape through erosion. There are lots of mathematical opportunties exploring the passing of time over the millenia. At the back of the book is a fantastic timeline linking the geological periods with periods of evolution.

Scientific Vocabulary: Rock,stone, pebble, boulder, soil, fossils, grains, crystals, hard/soft, texture, absorb, permeable,marble, chalk, granite, sandstone, slate, sandy, soil, clay, peat

Other fiction books  with a similar theme:

Pebble: A Story about Belonging – Susan Milord