London Curriculum

The London Curriculum uses the capital as inspiration to bring the national curriculum to life at key stages 2 and 3.  Each unit focuses on a theme linked to London and contains lesson plans and activity ideas to support teaching in many subjects across the curriculum. Though based around London, many of the lesson plans and activities may also be used by teachers outside of the capital.

The London Curriculum has been provided by the Greater London Authority, (GLA).



Showing 44 result(s)

Fuel use through time

This resources suggests several activities and visits which enable students to find information about fuel use through time and about the consequences of the use of those fuels.

By visiting museums or exploring the local area around the school, learning outcomes could include:

  • evaluate the...

Active London

The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand the skeletal and muscular systems of the body, such as the mechanics of how the body moves, using London’ s sporting and active life as a stimulus.They will learn about the levels and types of exercise that support good health and how that varies from person...

Taming the river

In this lesson, students look at an event from the history of London floods to set a context for the science knowledge and understanding.  They undertake an initial measurement and calculation of the mass of water and how this scales up to appreciate the ‘heaviness’ of water.

Learning outcomes:

  • ...

Force of the river physics teaching pack

The Thames is a working river, providing transport, trade and of course water to London but also presenting significant engineering challenges, such as defence of the city from flooding. This unit covers the topics of pressure in liquids and gases and simple machines from the key stage 3 science curriculum and uses...
