This collection contains a variety of reports published by a number of organisations comparin performance in science across countries. The reports include: * Physics Participation and Policies: Lessons from Abroad - this report, produced by the Centre for Education and Employment Research (CEER), looks at the decline in students taking physics at A level.



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The Importance of Physics to the Scottish Economy

Published for the Institute of Physics, this report examines the contribution of physics to the Scottish economy between the years 2005 and 2010. Figures are given for the numbers of people employed in physics-based sectors of the economy, the contribution in financial terms, gross value added per worker and the...

Physics Participation and Policies: Lessons from Abroad

This report, produced by the Centre for Education and Employment Research (CEER), looks at the decline in students taking physics at A level. Between 1982 and 2006, A level physics entries halved from 55,728 to 27,466. The number of students aged 18 fell and there were more A levels to choose from, but the decline...