Ratio and Proportion

This collection of resources supports the teaching of Ratio and Proportion in primary mathematics. These activities are linked to the year groups containing the corresponding content in the National Curriculum. 




Here are some favourite activities selected by the NRICH team.

  • Orange Drink (Y6) A 750 ml bottle of concentrated orange squash is enough to make fifteen 250 ml glasses of diluted orange drink. How much water is needed to make 10 litres of this drink?

  • Rectangle Tangle (Y6) The large rectangle is divided into a series of smaller quadrilaterals and triangles. Can you untangle what fractional part is represented by each of the ten numbered shapes?

These are just a few of the activities on Ratio and Proportion that you can find on the NRICH curriculum pages.




The activities below, taken from the STEM Learning website, complement the NRICH activities above.