Connection to nature (Teachers in Wales only) NW021

Explore activities to develop your confidence in nature-based teaching to foundation phase pupils.


A mostly practical CPD event to develop confidence, knowledge and skills in relation to connecting young children to the environment to increase nature based learning and health opportunities.

You will experience a range of simple but effective sensory activities using minimal resources, which can be used in school grounds, local parks, woodlands and green spaces to deliver cross curricular learning objectives.  The day will include an informal look at risk benefit analysis (risk assessment) and self-led outdoor learning within the wider community eg accessing Natural Resources Wales land for educational activities. Any enquiries, please email Wales Administrator: 

Who is it for?

Teachers for Wales

What topics are covered?

Outdoor learning

How will you learn?

Face to face

How long is this course?

1 day

Course Leaders

Ffion Hughes


You will be able to:

  • improve the knowledge and confidence of foundation phase educators with limited experience in outdoor learning
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