Primary mathematics conference MY007 / A17

Start date
27 Jun 18
1 Day
National STEM Learning Centre, University of York, York YO10 5DD How to find us


Maths Hub Logo

Explore ways of developing fluency, reasoning and problem solving across the mathematics curriculum to support the development of mastery. Find out how to create a culture in school where all children enjoy rich mathematical experiences, learn more about the Maths Hubs projects and how teaching approaches from Shanghai can be incorporated into your lessons. Explore the use of manipulatives in conceptual understanding and discover the practical applications of the bar model across the curriculum.

There will be a range of optional sessions to choose from, which will enable you to tailor the conference to your requirements. Throughout the day you will have time to share good practice with colleagues and explore the National STEM Learning Centre at York, which holds the UK's largest collection of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) classroom teaching resources. An exhibition of primary mathematics with major publishers and mathematical organisations represented, is accessible at the start of the conference and throughout breaks.

Information about the sessions available can be found here, participants will be emailed a link to book these sessions before the end of the week commencing 04/06/2018

This is a 1 day course and fees include meals and refreshments for the duration of the day.

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You will be able to:

  • plan for the development of mathematics mastery
  • find ways of embedding effective use of manipulatives
  • ensure quality and innovation when adapting schemes of work and lessons to the curriculum
  • access resources to support primary mathematics curriculum


Primary mathematics conference27 June 201809:30-16:00National STEM Learning Centre



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Additional information

For courses at the National STEM Learning Centre in York, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course. 


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