New understanding science 1: pupil book


This updated edition of a work on science for pupils in Year 7 in middle and secondary schools is designed to match the 1995 National Curriculum. This particular book is the first in a set of three which cover Key Stage 3 of the revised NC.;Developed from a prior series of the same name, it retains the Core, Reinforcement and Extension structure.

This provides a variety of routes through the text and allows differentiation for the less able, who may only do the core activities, and the more able, who begin with the Core but concentrate on the extension work. Regular Checkpoints enable the teacher to identify the correct route for each pupil. The course is based on a wide range of experimental and investigative activities.

This edition reflects changes to the National Curriculum and allows clear progression from Key Stage 2 work. Investigative skills are taught at the beginning and are developed as investigations become more complex. Elementary concepts are revised before the knowledge and understanding needed for Key Stage 3 are introduced. The most recent research into pupils' understanding of science has been used to make concepts accessible to a wider range of pupils.

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Author(s)Joe Boyd, ‎ Walter Whitelaw
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Shelf referenceA 500 BOY
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