Developing expertise in teaching organic chemistry (post-16) RE258 / A01

Start date
27 Jul 16
3 Hours
Bayfordbury Science Learning Centre, Bayfordbury Science Learning Centre, Hertford SG13 8LD View on Google Map


This course is designed to introduce participants to the key chemical ideas needed to understand how organic mechanisms work. The emphasis will be very much on linking such mechanisms to some underlying chemical factors (eg electronegativity, bond strength), and on how these factors can be related to their existing knowledge.

Participants will also explore common misconceptions associated with this topic, and review a range of strategies for dealing with such misconceptions. Opportunities will also be given to try out a range of relevant and engaging experiments designed to support students' progress through this important topic.


You will be able to:

  • appreciate the 'thread of ideas' crucial to students' understanding of this topic
  • try out a range of engaging and relevant practicals and demonstrations


Developing expertise in teaching organic chemistry (Post-16)27 July 201609:30-15:30
Developing expertise in teaching organic chemistry (Post-16)27 July 201609:30-15:30

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