Using mobile technology to enhance learning in the primary classroom: going further TY018 / A15

Start date
8 Feb 16
2 Days
National STEM Learning Centre, University of York, York YO10 5DD How to find us


This course is the next step for teachers and teaching assistants who are skilled in using a mobile device themselves and have some experience of the pupils using a mobile device in the classroom.

The course content is inclusive of iPads, Android and Windows based devices and we encourage participants to bring their own device that is used in school. The centre will be able to provide an iPad for use throughout the course for those who do not have a device of their own (or who will be using an iPad in school – no need to bring their own in this case, unless it has the pre-course task on it).

During the course we will explore a more complex use of mobile devices that firmly places the technology in the hands of the pupils. Through hands on learning, participants will develop their own ideas of mobile technology in the classroom, exploring how different devices can be combined to enhance student progress and evaluating the appropriate use of devices in the classroom.

This course is also appropriate for those who may wish to take on a leadership role for mobile device use within their school.

Participants who are bringing their own devices will be asked to ensure that they have the facility to charge their device during the course, that they can connect to the internet via our in house wifi service and that their device has the required apps preinstalled into their device (a list of apps will be provided at least 3 weeks before the event starts).

This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course. Course fees vary for participants outside the UK. Please contact for more information.



You will be able to:

  • explore how different learning activities can be integrated using mobile technology to produce powerful learning experiences.
  • consider how different approaches to mobile technology use can be effectively managed. 
  • plan a number of mobile technology activities and evaluate their impact on learning.


Using mobile technology to enhance learning in the primary classroom: going further- day 108 February 201610:00-19:00National STEM Learning Centre
Using mobile technology to enhance learning in the primary classroom: going further - day 209 February 201609:00-15:30National STEM Learning Centre

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