Raising attainment in English and mathematics at KS2 through the effective use of ICT TY020 / A15

Start date
23 May 16
2 Days
National STEM Learning Centre, University of York, York YO10 5DD How to find us


This course will support you to develop a wider understanding of how ICT can be used to support learning in mathematics and English, with specific focus on engaging your learners and raising attainment/progress in KS2.
We will begin the two days by looking at the equipment and software that is available to support learning in school. Over the first day, we will look at the planning of your own curriculum and how ICT can be used to enhance it. The second day will take a more ‘hands on’ approach to discovering the uses of ICT. Using a combination of mobile devices, online content, hardware and software we will discover a range of ICT activities that can be used to strategically enhance your maths and English lessons. For example:

  • collecting representing and interpreting data
  • using comics in writing genres and maths
  • persuade your audience with a radio program
  • 3D modelling for free
  • fast and easy animation for spelling, S.P.A.G, maths methods and geometry
  • using programming to support the delivery of geometry
  • Google Story Builder, Fakebook, build your own SMS and more
  • using a green screen for filming
  • creating and using interactive quizzes
  • sharing online content through QR codes

This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course. Course fees vary for participants outside the UK. Please contact enquiries@slcs.ac.uk for more information.


You will:

  • develop awareness of ICT resources available to support the KS2 Maths and English curriculum
  • gain ‘hands on’ experiences of ICT hardware and software that can be used to support learning
  • cross reference schemes of work to see the influence that ICT can have on current planning


Raising attainment in English and maths at KS2 through the effective use of ICT - day 123 May 201610:00-19:00National STEM Learning Centre
Raising attainment in English and maths at KS2 through the effective use of ICT - day 224 May 201609:00-15:30National STEM Learning Centre


Keeping in Touch

The email address you give when you apply will be used to send you all joining instructions and information about your course. Please make sure you can be contacted directly with this address.

Before applying click here to read booking Terms and Conditions

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Additional information

Would you like this course delivered at your school? Contact enquiries@stem.org.uk to find out more.

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