Focus on AO2 and exam preparation RC343 / I01

Start date
15 Jan 19
1 Day
Lady Hawkins' School, Park View, Kington HR5 3AR View on Google Map


Explore and develop ways of improving progress and outcomes in GCSE science courses. This CPD activity is suitable for team leaders, key stage 4 managers and teachers of science.

The design and delivery of this course will be heavily based on the analysis of student performance in the summer exams (both combined and separate sciences) and the examiners’ analysis of aspects that candidates found challenging.  This will be linked with the use of effective curriculum planning and classroom teaching strategies to address under performance.

Participants will be encouraged to prepare for the course by analysing exam data for their students to support the development of action plans that are tailored to their setting.


The intended outcomes are:

  • exploring key messages from the summer 2018 sets of exams and identifying implications for teaching and learning
  • disseminating effective practice in key development areas including the use of maths skills, the role of practical skills and stretch and challenge questions
  • developing action plans for teachers and team leaders to use in their own practice and with their subject teams to make their practice more effective


Improving outcomes in GCSE science15 January 201914:15-16:15Lady Hawkins' School

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State-funded school or collegeActivity fee£45.00 +VAT
Fee-paying school or college (independent)Activity fee£50.00 +VAT

Additional information

For courses at the National STEM Learning Centre in York, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course. 


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