Established teachers of A level biology NY501

As a subject, biology challenges students and teachers alike to deal with fast moving and ethically sensitive topics. New practical techniques, use of ICT, active and context based learning strategies can help students find tricky concepts inspiring.


Are you looking for ways to develop your A level biology teaching and expand learning opportunities for your students? Perhaps you are leading teaching and learning in biology and looking for fresh ideas or ways to improve engagement, attainment and achievement?
You will develop engaging approaches to core topics, discussing advances in biology which can put the subject content into context. You will examine ways to support learning through: diagnosing and responding to misconceptions and prior learning; making connections between topics and promoting independent learning, alongside effective teacher input.
You will use effective and varied practical to support and extend the skills of your students and make links to the curriculum learning.

Who is it for?

Intended for teachers who are experienced and confident in teaching secondary biology. It builds upon the strategies and techniques demonstrated in the 'New to A level biology' course. 

What topics are covered?

This course covers:

  • physiology
  • genomics
  • plant biology
  • nicroscopy
  • genetics engineering
  • statistics
  • plant disease
  • respiration
Not sure yet? Here is a free taster which will give you a better understanding of what to expect once you join the course. Please note, this is a free short activity you can do in your own time.

How will you learn?

Face to face with one remote session at the end.

How long is this course?

This is two day intensive residential course with one remote session at the end.


By the end of this course, you will be able to: 
  • use a variety of teaching and learning strategies to motivate all students in biology and raise attainment
  • practise and evaluate a range of practical techniques for effective learning
  • identify misconceptions held by students and develop a variety of teaching approaches to counter these
  • develop your biology curriculum, making connections with careers and contexts
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