Robotics and the foundation phase. Teachers in Wales only. NW039

FOR TEACHERS IN WALES ONLY: During this half day session, foundation phase teachers will work with researchers from The Psychology Department of Cardiff University to investigate the use of computing and robotics with FP pupils.


During this half day session teachers will work with researchers from The Psychology Department of Cardiff University to investigate the use of computing and robotics with FP pupils.
The session is structured as follows:
Session 1 (12:45 - 13:00): An introduction to the research – the role of the teacher.Session 2 (13:00 – 13:30): Scratching the surface: Teaching computer science in primary school classrooms.Session 3 (13:30 – 14:00): Robotics: A resource you’d love to have in your classroom… or is it?Break (14:00 – 14:15)Session 4 (14:15 – 14:45): How can we facilitate student learning?Session 5 (14:45 – 15:15): What makes a good classroom curriculum?Closing remarks (15:15 – 15:30)
Any enquiries, please email Wales Administrator:

Who is it for?

Teachers in Wales

What topics are covered?

Robotics and computing

How will you learn?

Remote delivery

How long is this course?

Half a day

Course Leaders

Andrea Meyrick


Participants will:
  • have a better understanding of the role of robotics in teaching and learning in the FP
  • be offered the opportunity to be involved in more structured research programme with Cardiff University
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