How to run a successful summer school RX042

Top tips for running a successful student summer school


Running a summer school to support students requires considerable planning to ensure that students benefit in terms of their learning and wellbeing. We will cover the top tips for planning and running your summer school to ensure that there is high-impact for students, utilising the funding available from the DfE Summer Schools Programme. The content will support you to plan all types of summer school but will provide specific strategies to target those students in the transition from year 6 to year 7.


You will be able to:
  • Plan your summer school to ensure that it meets the needs of the students that are the focus of the intervention
  • Consider the programme structure and content to ensure that the summer school supports both student learning and wellbeing
  • Consider the use of space and external input for the delivery of your summer school
  • Incorporate evaluation and feedback strategies into your planning to ensure that there is a cycle of continuous improvement
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